Jira Planning Poker Tool

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  1. Planning Poker Jira
  2. Planning Poker Wiki
  3. Resource Planning In Jira
  4. Jira Planning Poker Tool Set
NOTE: These directions are for the latest design of JIRA. If these screenshots don’t look like your version of JIRA, check out our directions for the older version.

There are a few steps to get PlanningPoker and your instance of JIRA talking to each other. First, we’ll add the ability in JIRA to listen to planningpoker.com and then we are going to authorize your account to send updates to your JIRA instance.

The “JIRA master” should have the possibility to override the result manually by the (1) Finally, the estimation can be stored in the JIRA issue. Scrum Poker Planning Tool Ingredients. Implementing such a tool must be fun for the one who is doing it! It shouldn’t feel like back-breaking work to be finished in a minimal time. Scrumpy is a free online planning poker application for distributed agile teams with optional Jira/Confluence /Slack/GitHub/GitLab integration. It runs on mobile, tablet and desktop computers connecting multiple participants in a real-time story estimation session. Absolutely no installation and no registration is needed! Jan 17, 2018 Agile Poker is an estimation tool has 3 main options: Interactive mode - based on Planning Poker®. Best for teams working in the same time zone. Asynchronous mode - based on Wideband Delphi. Irreplaceable for distributed teams, but works great for all teams that want to estimate asynchronously.

One of the key processes in product backlog refinement,is estimating backlog items.Let's take a look at a very useful add-on in Jira,that can be used to estimate backlog items.Just like before, I will go ahead and click Jira settings,add-ons, find new add-ons,and search the Marketplace for Planning Poker. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Before you start

This process takes 2-3 minutes to complete and goes pretty smoothly if you have your JIRA instance open in one tab and the PlanningPoker screen with the JIRA Integration details in another.

Steps 1 – 9 Will need to be completed by a JIRA admin. If you are not an admin of your JIRA instance please share these instructions and your integration details with them.

From your JIRA instance

Step1 – From your JIRA System Dashboard, click Settings in the left side navigation.

Jira agile poker

Step 2 – Click Products in the left side navigation.

Step 3 – Click Application Links in the left side navigation.

Step 4 – Type the Application URL from your PlanningPoker integration settings page and click Create new link.

Step 5 – Click Continue in the modal. If it says there is no response do not worry and continue with the integration.

Planning Poker Jira

Step 6 – Type in the a the Application Name and select the Application Type. Both can be found in your integration settings on PlanningPoker.

Important Note: Only enter values for the top two fields (Application Name and Application Type). If you enter anything else, JIRA will tell you that all of the rest of the fields are required.

Step 7 – Edit the new application Link by clicking the pencil icon.

Step 8 – Click Incoming Authentication

Step 9 – Add your integration details from PlanningPoker in the corresponding fields in the modal. Remember to scroll down in the modal to get to all the fields and to click Save.

Now you’re are all done with JIRA but there are two last steps to complete in PlanningPoker.

From PlanningPoker.com’s integration page

Step 10 – Type your Host Name and press Link on the PlanningPoker integration settings page.

Step 11 – Press Authorize PlanningPoker and then Allow in the window that then pops up.

Now you are all set. When you create a new game you will now be able to pull stories directly in from JIRA and even allow the points from your planning sessions to sync back automatically. Here are the instructions to import stories when creating a game with the integration.


Planning Poker Wiki

Agile Poker for Jira - planning&estimationis a versatile toolkit for estimating your product backlog in Jira to get it ready for grooming and planning. It is inspired by Planning Poker®, Wideband Delphi, Team Estimation Game and Silent Grouping and derives the best scrum planning practices from each. Getting started with Agile Poker is simple and easy as it blends in naturally with the existing UI in Jira Software.

Agile planning poker online

With Agile Poker you can facilitate estimation and discussion.

Resource Planning In Jira

  • For collocated or distributed Agile teams
  • Self-paced or interactive planning sessions
  • With optional moderation by a scrum master or product owner
  • Can be run on mobile (Jira Server and Data Center only) or desktop devices
  • Using Fibonacci sequence, T-shirt sizes or custom values
  • With historical and reference issues

Jira Planning Poker Tool Set

Learn more on Agile Poker for Jira Cloud or Agile Poker for Jira Server and Data Center