Re Raise Poker

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  1. Poker Reraise Rules
  2. Re Raise Poker Tournaments


Raise 'Em Poker

Raise 'Em Poker is a poker variant popular in Africa. The game is basically the same as Let it Ride, except the player adds bets instead of pulling them back. The pay table used is the same as that used in Let it Ride at the Royal Swazi.


What Is The Minimum Re Raise In Texas Holdem Winnings won with games that require deposit, have to be wagered 35x. Bonuses that require deposit, have to be What Is The Minimum Re Raise In Texas Holdem wagered 35x. In many cases, betting will reopen for an all-in raise that is a fraction of a full raise as well, though this varies a bit from casino to casino. Typically, if this is the case, the most common amount required to reopen betting is 1/2 of a full raise.


  1. The game is played with a single 52-card deck.
  2. Player starts by making an Ante wager and an optional 'Plus' side bet.
  3. Three cards are dealt to each player and two community cards will be dealt face down.
  4. After examining his cards, the player may check or make a Raise wager equal to the Ante wager in the spot marked '1.'
  5. The dealer will reveal the first community card.
  6. The player may check or make a Raise wager equal to the Ante wager in the spot marked '2.'
  7. The dealer will reveal the second community card.
  8. The dealer will pay each player according to the poker value of his hand and the pay table below, which shall apply to the Ante and all Raise wagers.

    Ante and Raise Bets Pay Table

    Royal Flush 250 to 1
    Straight Flush 50 to 1
    Four of a kind 25 to 1
    Full House 12 to 1
    Flush 10 to 1
    Straight 8 to 1
    Three of a kind 3 to 1
    Two pair 2 to 1
    Tens or better 1 to 1

  9. The Plus bet is paid according the Plus pay table below.

    The following is the pay table for the Plus side bet. The three progressives are all independent of each other. When one jackpot hits, the others do not go down.

    Plus Bet Pay Table

    Royal Flush Top Progressive
    Straight Flush Top Progressive
    Four of a kind Second Progressive
    Full House Third Progressive
    Flush 50 to 1
    Straight 10 to 1


With three cards you should make a raise bet with any of the following, otherwise check.

  • Any paying hand (tens or better, three of a kind).
  • Any three to a royal flush.
  • Three suited cards in a row except 2-3-4, and ace-2-3.
  • Three to a straight flush, spread 4, with at least one high card (ten or greater.)
  • Three to a straight flush, spread 5, with at least two high cards.
  • 10-J-Q unsuited.

With four cards you should make a raise bet with any of the following, otherwise check.

  • Any paying hand (tens or better, two pair, three of a kind).
  • Four to a flush.
  • Any four to an outside straight.
  • Any four to an inside straight with at least three high cards.

Four to an inside straight with two high cards is a break-even raise situation.


The following tables show the probability and return of all possible outcomes. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 2.96%.

Return Table

Royal Flush 3 750 80 0.000002 0.001154
Straight Flush 3 150 352 0.000007 0.001016
Four of a kind 3 75 7,872 0.000151 0.011358
Full House 3 36 33,408 0.000643 0.023138
Flush 3 30 10,008 0.000193 0.005776
Straight 3 24 11,568 0.000223 0.005341
Three of a kind 3 9 365,640 0.007034 0.063309
Two pair 3 6 577,368 0.011108 0.066646
Tens or better 3 3 2,605,908 0.050134 0.150401
Nonpaying hand 3 -3 95,508 0.001837 -0.005512
Royal Flush 2 500 - 0.000000 0.000000
Straight Flush 2 100 368 0.000007 0.000708
Four of a kind 2 50 4,608 0.000089 0.004433
Full House 2 24 41,472 0.000798 0.019149
Flush 2 20 92,152 0.001773 0.035457
Straight 2 16 112,464 0.002164 0.034618
Three of a kind 2 6 327,888 0.006308 0.037848
Two pair 2 4 679,536 0.013073 0.052293
Tens or better 2 2 2,684,136 0.051639 0.103277
Nonpaying hand 2 -2 1,233,696 0.023734 -0.047469
Royal Flush 1 250 - 0.000000 0.000000
Straight Flush 1 50 - 0.000000 0.000000
Four of a kind 1 25 - 0.000000 0.000000
Full House 1 12 - 0.000000 0.000000
Flush 1 10 - 0.000000 0.000000
Straight 1 8 79,968 0.001538 0.012308
Three of a kind 1 3 404,712 0.007786 0.023358
Two pair 1 2 1,214,136 0.023358 0.046716
Tens or better 1 1 3,157,956 0.060754 0.060754
Nonpaying hand 1 -1 38,238,396 0.735648 -0.735648
Total 51,979,200 1.000000 -0.029570

As a reminder, the house edge is traditionally defined as the ratio of the expected loss to the initial wager, which is 2.96% in this case. The player will make one raise 9.96% of the time and two raises 7.13%, for an average total bet of 1.24 units. The Element of Risk, which is the ratio of the expected loss to total bet, is thus 2.38%.

Plus Bet

With three independent progressives, you'll have to get out a calculator to determine the value of the Plus bet at any given time. The general formula for the return per dollar bet is:

(40×(Top Progressive) + 624×(Second Progressive) + 37244×(Third Progressive) + 357,400×(bet amount))/(2,598,960 × (bet amount))

When this value exceeds 1, the odds are in the player's favor. With three different progressives, it would not surprise me if this side bet almost never goes positive.

Written by:Michael ShacklefordRe Raise Poker

The first thing that any beginner-level poker player needs to understand is the different actions of a poker game. The basic actions in a poker game include folding, checking and calling, betting, raising, re-raising, and check-raising, and a skilled poker player will use all of these different actions countless times throughout the course of a game, as knowing how to use each of the actions allows a player variability and lets him or her change up the pace and keep opponents on their toes.

While the actions may seem simple enough, mastering them isn't. Many players who have played for years still don't fold often enough or check when they should raise. You can miss out on the chance for larger winnings if you raise right off the bat instead of holding out for a check-raise, and if you raise too often from certain positions, players will soon start to call your bluff. The best thing that you can do for yourself as a poker player is to learn how and when to employ each poker action-- and the best way to do that (after reading our strategy guides, of course) is to practice, practice, practice.


For some reason, many novice players consider folding a sign of weakness, which is likely part of the reason why they don't fold nearly often enough. Folding is a natural part of any poker game-- if you try to play all the cards that you're dealt, you'll end up losing your money pretty quickly. Instead, you want to focus on your good hands and not waste money on the bad, so if you have a hand or a position that isn't good, you're going to want to fold. If the stakes get too high and you're quite far from having the nut hand, you should fold before you get trapped. Folding just means that you're choosing to bow out of the action for the rest of the hand by tossing your cards in. When you fold, you don't show your cards (as it would give an advantage to anyone who has position on you).

Re Raise Poker

Getting to a point where you can choose whether to fold or play your cards is essential-- in most online games, you only have about 10 seconds to choose. If you're sure that your opponent has a better hand than you do, you should probably fold. No matter how good your hand is, if you know that your opponent's hand will beat yours, fold and get out while you can.


When you check, you basically pass when other players haven't bid. This can happen either while you're the big blind, when you've already put in the minimum bid and everyone else has done the same or folded, or when you're playing another round and the other players have all checked. Checking is considered a pretty weak move, and some schools of poker thought will tell you that if you have a decent enough hand, you should consider raising instead, as it offers you some protection (by getting less-confident players to fold). This is completely dependent on the situation, however-- raising on a hand where everyone else has checked can leave you vulnerable to a check-raise and leave you pot committed with someone else holding the better hand. Likewise, you can use a check when you have a very strong hand and you're afraid of scaring off other players if you come out raising-- this is a tactic called the check-raise. The main reason that people check is so that they can see the next card for free-- especially if they're on a draw hand, where the value of their hand is dependent on whether or not the right card hits (e.g., missing a card for a straight or flush).


Calling is a lot like checking in that you're basically passing on an opportunity to bet, but the difference is that you check when no one has bet and you call when someone has. Like checking, calling generally represents weakness or, at the very least, that you're not completely sure of your hand. If an opponent raises and you're sure that you have a better hand, it's better to re-raise (even just a little) to get your opponent to commit more chips. If you re-raise and your opponent calls, then you make more money, and if your opponent folds, then you get the same amount that you would have if you'd just called (but if your opponent is pot-committed, he or she will probably not fold). If your opponent raises and you're not sure about your hand, it's better to fold. Calling is often used like checking-- to get a chance to see the next cards so that you can potentially make a draw or strengthen your hand.


There are two forms of betting in a game of poker (well, there are a lot of different kinds of bets, but they all come down to variations on these): raising and re-raising.

Something that a lot of novice players overlook is the amount of the bet, and a lot of online poker rooms and casinos only make it easier to miss the mark in this regard. There's a minimum amount that you can bet in any poker game, and this is often set as the default in poker rooms, but betting the minimum doesn't really do much: it doesn't offer a lot of protection (especially with smaller stakes), because other players are generally willing to call a small amount, and it doesn't make for a particularly powerful bluff, as it doesn't convey a lot of confidence. If you're trying to slowly draw money out of other players, this can be useful (if you have the nut hand and want to get as many players pot-committed as possible to increase your win, for instance), and raising the same small amount during every betting phase can confuse your opponents, but you just might cost yourself a potentially bigger win by being conservative.

There's a huge amount of literature devoted to the subject of well-executed raises, and there's a lot of debate about how much you should raise. A common consensus in Texas Hold'em seems to be that when you want to raise before the flop, raise 3-4 times the big blind if there are no callers before you.


Poker Reraise Rules

When someone places a bet and you then place a higher bet, you've re-raised, a move that indicates that you either have a strong hand or that you're bluffing. Either way, it indicates to opponents that you want them to believe that you have a strong hand. If you think that your opponent is bluffing when he or she raises, and that you have the stronger hand, then a re-raise is in order-- either your opponent will bow out, letting you take the pot, or you can gain the pot through having the stronger hand. Either way, you win.

Just as raising presents a conundrum in terms of how much to bet, re-raising is challenging in the same way. Many sources agree that you should re-raise about three times the previous bet, plus any callers. If someone before you bets 300 and there are no callers, you would bet 900. If there was one caller, you would bet 1200 (900 + 300), if there were two callers, you'd bet 1500 (900 + 300 + 300), and so on.


Re Raise Poker Tournaments

Check-raising is an incredibly useful tactic that is employed in poker games all the time (especially games with heavy betting, like Texas Hold'em, Stud, and Omaha). When you check-raise, you check on a good hand (one that you could have safely raised on) and hope that someone who comes after you raises. Obviously, this only works if you have an early position. By checking, you imply that you have a weak hand, and other players are more confident about their own hands, which will often lead them to bid when they shouldn't. Once the other player has raised, you re-raise, which forces your opponent either to fold, which they probably won't, since they're already pot committed, or call with a hand that is probably weaker than yours. The check-raise offers players in early position the ability to slow play strong hands, which helps to even out the disadvantages of being in poor position.