Red Hot Poker Medicine

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One of the most effective treatments for hemorrhoids is homeopathy. However, the aim of homeopathy is not only to treat Hemorrhoids, but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility.

As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available for Homeopathy for hemorrhoids treatment that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints.

For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person.

Red hot poker, kniphofia uvaria I grew up with red hot pokers and goldenrod in the garden, both wonderful plants for bees, and the red hot pokers I know now are full of nectar. In South Africa, where they are a native species, they are eaten and are said to taste like honey. Information about Red Hot Poker Plants. The advice you received upon the purchase of your plant was correct - it is recommended to keep the crown of the plant (which is very sensitive to cold) protected in winter by at leaving a clump of foliage around it.

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy in homeopathy for hemorrhoids is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering.

What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are painful, swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus. This condition is very common, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Piles (Homeopathy for Piles) results from increased pressure in the veins of the anus. The pressure causes the veins to bulge and expand, making them painful, especially while sitting.

The most common cause is straining during bowel movements. Hemorrhoids may results from constipation, sitting for long periods of time, and anal infections. In some cases they may be caused by other disease such as liver cirrhosis.

Hemorrhoids are classified mainly in to:

Internal Hemorrhoids – occur just inside the anus, at the beginning of the rectum.

External Hemorrhoids – occur at the anal opening and may hang outside the anus.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Although Hemorrhoids may be asymptomatic, they characteristically cause painless, intermittent bleeding, which occurs on defecation. Bright red blood appears on stool.

These first degree hemorrhoids may itch because of poor anal hygiene.

When second degree hemorrhoids prolapse, they are usually painless and spontaneously return to the anal canal following defecation.

Third degree hemorrhoids cause constant discomfort and propalse in response to any increase in intra-abdominal pressure. They must be manually reduced.

Thrombosis of external hemorrhoids produces sudden rectal pain and a subcutaneous, large, firm lump that the patient can feel.

If hemorrhoids cause severe or recurrent bleeding, they may lead to secondary anemia with significant pallor, fatigue, and weakness; however, such systemic complications are rare.

Homeopathy for Hemorrhoids

Following homeopathic remedies which are helpful in the treatment of Hemorrhoids:

Aesculus Hip.

This homeopathy medicine is especially suitable to the form of piles arising from portal congestion, abdominal plethora. They may or may not bleed, but there is a feeling in the rectum as of splinters or sticks, feeling of dryness in rectum.

Other indicating symptoms are aching in the lumbar region, protruding purple piles with severe pains in the sacrum and small of the back and fullness in the region of the liver.

Desire to strain at stool for a long time, pain shoot up the rectum. Purple piles.

Weak feeling in lower back; feels the legs were about to give out, worse by stooping forward and when walking.

Dryness, burning and itching are good indications. Piles from chronic constipation may be cured with Aesculus.


One of the most useful homeopathic remedies for piles; indicated where the piles protrude like a bunch of grapes, bleeding often and profusely, and are greatly relieved by the application of cold water.

There is a very marked burning in the anus, the bowels feel as if scraped. There is a tendency to diarrhea, with the well known uncertain feeling in the lower bowel.

This tendency to diarrhea will distinguish from Collinsonia, which has the tendency to constipation.

Ammonium carb.

Piles protrude, independent of stool; protrusion of piles after stool with long lasting pains; cannot walk, or the piles protrude during a stool, and recede when lying down; they are usually moist and pain as if excoriated; bloody discharge during and after stool.

Arsenic album

piles bluish, swollen, inflamed, protruding and bunched, bleeding from least touch, with stitching, burning pains when walking or standing, but not at stool; burning and soreness in rectum and anus, aggravation at night; strangulated piles. Amelioration from warmth.


Bleeding piles with burning pain, itching, smarting and stinging in anus during stool and burning as if pepper were sprinkled on them. Sore feeling in the anus. Piles with mucus discharges, bloody mucus stool. Great thirst followed by shuddering after stool.

Associated symptoms are persistent thoughts of suicide, lack of vital heat, craving for warm things, stimulants and pungent things.


Excellent homeopathy remedy for obstinate cases of hemorrhoids; specially used in females with inertia of the rectum and a congestive tendency to the pelvic organs; it suits a pregnant women who suffer from piles, and pruritus may be a marked symptom.

The indicating symptoms are chiefly a sensation of sticks in the rectum, with constipation from inertia of the lower bowel.

Burt says that no remedy can equal Collinsonia in obstinate cases of piles, which bleed almost incessantly.

It is specially applicable to heart pains resulting from a suppression of a habitual haemorrhoidal flow.


Piles which burn and sting , anus sore, worse sitting. The rectum seems to have lost its contractile power, and the varices protrude.


One of the best homeopathy medicine for bleeding hemorrhoids; flow of blood is quite copious, and the great characterized indication is excessive soreness.

Hughes recommends that an external application either hot or cold of Hamamelis extract will promptly reduce the inflammation and soreness.


Piles characterized by sharp, stitching pains, shooting up the rectum.

Kali carb.

Stool dry, too large in size, rectum inactive, feels distressed an hour or two before stool; sensation as if a red hot poker were being thrust up the rectum, relieved by sitting in cold water; stinging, burning tearing, itching pain, even after a natural stool.



Hemorrhoids, painful while sitting; discharge of blood even with soft stool; itching eruption at the anus, painful to touch; burning and stitching pain in the rectum; pain in the sacral region, extending to the thighs.

A very useful homeopathic medicine for hemorrhoids which do not mature, but remain as hard bluish lumps, and also for bleeding piles containing large quantities of blood.

Muriatic acid

Piles large, swollen, dark purple or blue hemorrhoids which are extremely sensitive and pains to touch. Inflamed piles, hot and pulsating, must lie with limbs wide apart, too sore, to bear least touch even the bed sheet is uncomfortable.

Piles while urinating or with stool, bleeding piles with burning and cutting during and after stool. Ameliorated by warm application; aggravation by cold application.

Nitric acid

Long lasting cutting pain in the rectum after loose stool, with piles; hemorrhage bright red, not clotted, spasmodic tearing during stool from fissures in rectum.

Nux vomica

If the piles be large and blind, with a burning, stinging and constricted feeling in the rectum and a bruised pain in the small of back, and especially if excited by sedentary habits or abuse of stimulants, than Nux Vomica may be prescribed.

Itching piles keeping the sufferer awake at night, relieved by cold water, or bleeding piles with constant urging to stool. And a feeling as if the bowel would not empty itself are further indications.


Bleeding hemorrhoids; with severe lancinating pains; blood flows with each stool in a small stream; ulceration in the rectum; needle like stitches in the rectum when not at stool.


It is one of the best homeopathic medicine in piles after Aesculus. Passive congestion and dyspeptic troubles are the keynotes; blind piles. piles that bleed easily. It acts best in the higher potencies.


It has burning in the anus, and protrusion of varices after a hard stool. The characteristics of this remedy are burning and fissure of the anus, great painfulness and sensitiveness of rectum


Piles from retarded portal circulation; bleeding piles with fullness in the rectum; oozing of moisture with great soreness.


Hemorrhoids intensely painful; boring, cramping from anus to rectum and testicles; piles protrude with stool and discharge bloody mucus.


Sulphur is a very good homeopathy medicine for hemorrhoids, when the constitutional symptoms are there. External and internal piles, great bunches that are sore and raw, burning and tender, and bleed and smart with loose stool, complaints aggravate when standing, when washing and from warmth of bed.

Troubles resulting from piles which have stopped bleeding, and as a result fullness in the head and uneasiness in the liver; constipation is present; a desire for stool and itching of the anus.

Petroselinum is mentioned by Gilchrist as being of value when intense itching is present.

Verbascum thapsus

Remedy in homeopathy for hemorrhoids that are inflamed and very painful; scanty evacuation of faeces in small, hard bits, like sheep’s dung, with pressing; frequent or copious urination.

Hemorrhoids Cases Cured With Homeopathic Medicine


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  • A Case of Hemorrhoids Dr. Ramkrishna Valaki presents a case of hemorrhoids in a man of 30. Sensation is used to confirm the remedy. ...
  • Acute Hemorrhoids in a Man of 25 Dr. Vineet Shukla presents an acute case of hemorrhoids in a man of 25. Aesculus, Sulphur, and Nux vomica had given no relief. The problems arose secondary to hard stools and constipation...
  • Red hot poker is a stately plant that adds drama to flower beds and borders. Belonging to the Kniphofia genus they are also known as torch lilies. Dwarf varieties of red hot poker can also be grown in container gardens.

    The bright, nectar filled flowers of red hot poker plants are popular with butterflies, bees and birds, in particular hummingbirds. Despite the name, red hot poker, the flowers of the plant can also be yellow or orange. The tubular flowers of the red hot poker (Kniphofia uvaria) sit on long stems, the base of which are surrounded by distinctive sword shaped foliage.

    Tall and stately, torch lilies are a great way to introduce both color and drama to your garden. The distinctive flowers of red hot poker (Kniphofia uvaria) are also a magnet for birds, butterflies and other pollinators.

    Torch lilies thrive in USDA zones 6-9. These plants, which have a noticeable clumping habit, are evergreen perennials. Native to South Africa, there are over 70 known species. Their upright growth habit can see them reach up to 5ft in height.

    Despite the dramatic appearance red hot poker plant is surprisingly easy to grow and care for. Here is everything you need to know.


    • How to Grow Red Hot Poker Plants
    • Red Hot Poker Care

    Varieties of Red Hot Poker

    Red Hot Poker Medicine Videos

    As we have already noted there are a number of different varieties of red hot poker available. A traditional option is the 4 ft tall variety Timothy. This cultivar produces coral red flowers which sit on top of red stems.

    For something more unusual try Tawny King. Reaching over 3 ft in height, this variety produces brown-orange buds that flower into cream colored pokers with a toffee colored glow. This variety tends to flower from June until October.

    Bees’ Sunset has been on the market since 1960. Reaching up to 3ft in height, the apricot-orange flowers of this red hot poker variety sit on top of long, bronze-green stems.

    The different varieties of the distinctive fire torch flowers come in a range of colors. Most of these red hot poker varieties favor the same growing conditions. This means that you can plant a variety of differently colored combinations. This allows you to add further interest to the flower bed.

    Wrexham Buttercup is a yellow variety which can reach over 4 ft in height. Another yellow variety is Sunningdale Yellow. Reaching up to 3 ft in height, in favorable conditions it will flower from early June until November.

    How to Grow Red Hot Poker Plants

    Red hot poker plant can be purchased from nurseries as young plants. After hardening off you can plant them out, either into flower beds or containers.

    Alternatively, you can grow the plants from seed. Seed growing may require more time and space but it gives you access to a wider range of varieties. It is also more affordable, particularly if you want a large number of plants.

    How to Sow Seeds

    Sow red hot poker seeds from February until June for flowers that year. Many growers prefer to sow the red hot poker seeds in September or October, growing them on undercover before transplanting out the following spring.

    Chilling the seeds before planting helps to encourage germination however this is not strictly necessary.

    Fill the seed tray with moist, seed compost. Scatter the seeds thinly on the surface and cover with a light layer of vermiculite or compost. Keep the seeds in a warm, light position, ideally the temperature will be between 59-68 ℉.

    Sow seeds as thinly as possible on fresh soil. Light and warmth are both essential for germination. Place the seed trays in a bright location such as a windowsill or greenhouse.

    Germination can take between 14 and 30 days. During this period keep the soil moist but not overly wet. Using a spray bottle allows you to gently water the soil without disturbing or drowning the seeds.


    Following germination keep the soil wet and allow the seeds to grow on. When the seedlings are at least 3 inches tall transplant into larger pots. Grow on until the last local frost date has passed. Harden off before transplanting into their final position.

    How to Plant Red Hot Pokers

    Red hot pokers are full sun loving plants. Red hot poker also grows in partial sun position, but flowering may not be as abundant versus in the full sun position. Red hot pokers do particularly well in city and coastal gardens. All varieties can be grown in borders and beds. Dwarf or smaller varieties can also be grown in containers or rockeries.

    Red hot poker plant can be planted in early fall, before the first frosts of the season come. Otherwise they can be planted well after your last local frost date, usually from May until July. Planting in late spring or early summer gives the plants time to establish a robust root system before fall and cooler temperatures arrive.

    Red hot poker plant prefers well-draining loose soil. Tolerable of poor soil, these plants dislike overly rich soil. Torch lilies are hardy in USDA Zones 6-9. They can also be hardy in USDA Zones 5 if they are well mulched and sited in well-draining soil.

    Before planting red hot poker dig over the soil. This helps to break up hard clumps and improves drainage. Work in a 3 inch layer of homemade compost to enrich the soil. Alternatively humus can be worked into the soil to support red hot poker growth.

    Work the soil over well before planting your plants in the garden. Torch lilies thrive in loose, well draining soil. As you prepare the soil for the plants working in organic matter, such as compost, will further enrich the soil. This helps to give the plants a further boost.

    Dig a hole in the soil large enough to hold the plant. The crown should be no more than 3 inches below the soil level. If you are planting more than one plant space them 18 to 24 inches apart. Larger varieties will require more space so consult the information on the plant label before planting.

    Red Hot Poker Care

    Once planted red hot poker plant is pleasingly easy to care for.

    Watering and Fertilizing

    Once established red hot poker plant can withstand dry periods in the garden. These are perennial plants. However, a lack of water over a prolonged period of time will cause flowering to slow or cease.

    During hot, dry periods provide about 1 inch of water every week. When watering aim to saturate the soil to a depth of up to 6 inches. Allow the soil to dry out before watering again. Remember that plants growing in containers require more water than those in the ground.

    Red hot poker plant doesn’t require additional fertilizer. However each spring, as the plant begins to produce new growth, they will benefit from an application of a granular, balanced, organic fertilizer.

    Applying an organic mulch such as homemade compost around the plants helps the soil to conserve moisture. As organic mulches break down they return nutrients to the soil. This gives the plants a further boost.

    Staking the Plants

    Red hot poker plants produce strong flower stalks. This means that they are capable of maintaining an upright growth habit without the need for staking. The tallest varieties, if they are sited in a windy position, may require some support.

    How to Prune Red Hot Poker

    Deadheading spent flowers encourages the perennial red hot poker plant to produce more flower stalks. Allowing the spent flowers to go to seed will also slow down new flower production.

    Flowers can also be cut at any time for floral displays.

    In warmer areas, as winter approaches, tie the foliage into a canopy to protect the crown from water accumulating in the center of the plant. Water accumulation over the crown can cause the plants to rot. This foliage can be pruned back in early spring as temperatures warm.

    Cut the foliage back to about 3 inches above the ground. This neatens the appearance of the plant and helps to encourage new foliage to emerge. In colder areas cut the foliage back in late fall.


    Apply a 2-3 inch thick layer of organic mulch around the base of the plant in early spring. Homemade compost or shredded bark are both ideal for purpose.

    In cooler USDA Zones apply organic mulch to the crown of the plant in late fall, after cutting back the foliage. This helps to protect the crown from seasonal frosts and cold temperatures.

    Particularly tender species should be covered with a fleece during the winter months.

    How to Propagate Red Hot Poker Plant

    The easiest way to propagate red hot poker plants is by division. A rhizome forming plant, if the rhizome becomes too large or old flower production may slow or cease. Division helps to renew the perennial torch lily.

    Division also helps to prevent the torch lily plant from spreading throughout a bed or border. This method can be used if you wish to move the plant to another part of the garden.

    The best time to make divisions is in early spring before the perennial plant begins to produce new season growth.

    To divide, dig up as much of the root system as you can. Around the central crown you will notice younger plants or offsets. Carefully remove these with a knife or sharp spade. Replant each offset in a similar location.

    You can also grow the perennial red hot pokers from harvested flower seeds. Simply allow the flowers to go to seed and harvest when ripe.

    Sow the torch lily seeds undercover in the fall and transplant into the garden the following spring. Be warned, if these torch lily seeds are from named cultivars they will not grow true to type if sown.

    Companion Planting

    Red hot poker plants make great companion plants for late summer perennials such as asters, rudbeckias and heleniums.

    Popular with birds, butterflies and pollinators, torch lilies are often successfully incorporated into pollinator or bee friendly gardens. Finally, these plants also work well in modern planting schemes alongside other garden plants such as dahlias, crocosmias and foxgloves.

    Common Pests or Diseases

    Red Hot Poker Medicine Ball

    A pleasingly trouble free addition to the garden, red hot poker plants are not prone to pest infestations. However the foliage of the torch lily plants can harbour slugs and snails. Regularly check the foliage for any hidden pests. While chemical controls are available, organic solutions such as applying used coffee ground around the plant are just as effective.

    The main problem encountered by growers of red hot poker plants is the rotting of the plant’s crown. This is caused by either exposure to cold weather or planting in poorly draining soil. Working the soil over before planting will help to improve drainage.

    Red Hot Poker Medicine Cabinet

    If cold temperatures are a problem cover the torch lily plants with a thick layer of mulch in late fall. Remember to uncover the crowns of the garden plants when your last local frost date passes the following spring.

    Red Hot Poker Plants For Sale

    A pleasingly pest and problem free plant. However the dense foliage of the torch lily plant can be an ideal hiding ground for slugs and snails. Regularly check the foliage for any hidden pests.

    Flowering from April until October red hot poker plants are a stately addition to any garden. Beginning as a bright red or orange flower the colors of the plant fade to shades of yellow and gold as they age. This constant evolution helps to add continuing interest to the garden.

    Popular with birds, butterflies and pollinators alike, these plants are also a great way to introduce structure or height to a planting scheme. A heat loving, drought resistant plant they are ideal additions to rockeries, flower beds and containers.

    Red Hot Poker Medicine Game

    Red hot pokers, despite their stately appearance are pleasingly easy to grow and care for. A reliable plant, with a little care these dramatic flowers will return to your garden year after year.